Target vs Nike
Who does a better job of indulging their core audience and what can they learn from each other?
"Watched More Than 3 Seconds"
Finding ways around IOS "Tracking - Do Not Allow" can be tricky. Do retargeting Meta sources like videos and forms fix this problem?
TikTok Real Time Face Filters Vs AI Text To Video Prompt
Which is more impressive? Which is more revolutionary. What will the combination produce?
Educational and Insight Content. What Really Works.
Podcasts, clips, articles, interviews, documentaries. Is there a better way to warm up an audience? Is there a worse way?
Produce A Movie With AI That Isn't Total Garbage?
/Produce a movie written in the style of Spielberg and shot in the style of *some famous cinematographer. Make it a crime drama with people who look like my TikTok feed and camera roll.
What Does It Mean To Be Authentic?
A product video in the style of an amateur? Asking an amateur to shoot a video as if the talk about the product in their free time? Company employees on social feeds? Trying hard to be yourself?
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